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- Celebrating record A Level results
Celebrating record A Level results

There were screams and cheers of delight as students achieved record A Level results. Top grades were over 15% higher than last year. The school’s relatively small Sixth Form achieved over 100 A* to C grades in total with 35% of these grades A* to B.
Richard Brown, Executive Head said: “These young people have risen to the challenge of A Levels in a fantastic way and fully deserve their success. They will now be able to go to the University of their choice. As a school we now work in partnership with University College, London, who have provided access to study facilities and master classes which alongside our own teaching has contributed to massive improvement in our results. This was only year one of a long-term partnership.”
Amongst the most successful students were Arzu Altun who gained an A* in Sociology, A in Politics and B in History and plans to study Politics at King’s College London. She said, “I did really well, I am so happy with my results.”
Maria Zuniga Zapata is going to study Biochemical Engineering after gaining an A in Maths and Bs in Biology and Chemistry. “I’m so happy with my A, I am really excited to start the next chapter at UCL. A word of advice would be don’t be too harsh on yourself, you are capable!”
Dipo Akinwale achieved As in Law and Politics and a grade B in Economics and plans to go to the University of Birmingham to study Law. Dipo said “I am proud of the hard work I have put in throughout the years to get me here today. Thank you to my teachers for believing in me”.
Danielle Szent-Kirallyi is heading to the University of Leeds to study Psychology having achieved an A grade at A Level and Bs in History and Sociology.
Waseem Faizan gained a hat-trick of grade Bs in Maths, Computer Studies and Economics and will now study Computer Systems Engineering at UCL.
Jonathan Khoo, the schools Director of Sixth Form said: “This group have been a pleasure to work with. We are an inclusive Sixth Form often with lower entry requirements than some other local Sixth Forms. For 75% to achieve the highest grades is a real credit to the students and The Urswick School.”