Sixth Form Dress Code

School Uniform Items

Sixth Form dress must be professional; students should be dressed in attire appropriate for a formal work environment. Below are some specific requirements:





Smart shoes must be worn and trainers are not allowed, unless studying P.E.


A smart coat may be worn to school. Coats are not permitted to be worn inside the building.


Hats are not permitted to be worn in the building at any time.


Smart jumpers and pull-overs may be worn but these must be smart. Large logos may not be worn.


Belts may be worn, but must be plain. Large belt buckles are not permitted.


Skirts & dresses must be an appropriate length. Bodycon skirts/dresses are not permitted.

Muslim girls may wear a plain shalwar kameez or hijab. Full face veils are not allowed.

Sikh students may wear a plain turban or chunni.

Hairstyles and Appearance




Pupil’s hair-styles need to be reasonable. Long hair needs to be tied back for PE and Science. Hair should not significantly cover the eyes as this will affect learning. Further information on this policy is contained in our Policy Equality Statement.




Makeup must be appropriate for the work environment. Natural eyelash extensions may be worn but they must not be excessive. Students may be asked to remove them if they are deemed too long.


Earrings and jewellery


Excessive jewellery must not be worn. Large hoop earrings are not permitted.


Nails varnish and reasonable nail extensions are permitted but nail art is not allowed. Students may be asked to remove nail extensions/varnish if deemed inappropriate.





Lanyards and ID Cards

Lanyards are a compulsory part of the school uniform and must be worn at all times whilst on the school site. In the event lanyards break, replacements may be purchased for £1from the School Office. Equally ID cards must be attached to the lanyard at all times. Replacement cards can be purchased for £3 from the School Office.


Provocative, insensitive, or extreme logos/insignia must not be worn.