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The Sedgwick Service 2023

It has been a pleasure to return to Hackney Church for our Annual Rewards Service, in the name of Harry Sedgwick who made a bequest to the school in 1820- Sedgwick medals have been presented in his name ever since. Years 10, 11 and 12 plus staff and guests formed the congregation whilst parents joined us on a special YouTube link.
We began with prayers led by Rev’d Naomi Maxwell, Associate Rector of Hackney, and the outgoing Deputy Head Prefects. Every year 11 received their National Record of Achievement. Mr Brown and Mrs Moise (Deputy Headteacher) then presented the Subject Awards.
The Jahmal Mason-Blair Award for sporting Excellence went to Malachi Ingram. Our current Head of PE Ms Blacksley presented the award. We were delighted to welcome Shyrine, mother of Shereka Marsh, who presented the Shereka Marsh History Award in memory of her daughter. The winner was Morgan Ramsey-Nembhard.
New awards this year were sponsored by United Business Group and presented by Mr Liam Smith, Account Director, United Business Group. These Endeavour Awards were given to year 12 students Dipo Akinwale and Arzu Altun.
Our guest speaker was Wesley Reis Da Silva, Deputy Head Boy and Sedgwick Medallist in 2015/16. Wesley certainly inspired the next generation and embodied our Believe and Achieve mission statement.
By tradition Sedgwick Medals are presented by the Rector of Hackney to eight girls and seven boys (in 1820 there were more girls than boys attending school). Every Urswick Staff member was invited to vote and the 2023 medallists are
Esther Summers
Shadrach Ajiginni
Nikol Szablewska
Alvin Ositelu
Yasmin Hassan
Malachi Ingram
Irene-Lisbeth Gavilanez Ruiz
Santiago Hernandez Castrillon
Habeebah Adedoyin
Hasan Abdulbaki
Adebukola Adegbulugbe
Timieyin Ayanlaja
Taejah Barrett
Brandon Asenso-Boateng
Kordia Williams
This year’s award for the adult who has made a unique contribution to the school went to Mr Roger Pryce, currently Chair of Governors, who has been associated with the school for nearly 50 years.
The Urswick 500 trophies, donated to the school by four former students David Horder, Keith Brown, John Reene and James Davis, were presented to the outgoing Head Girl and Head Boy Adebukola Adegbulugbe and Brandon Asenso-Boateng.
We processed to the tomb of Harry Sedgwick and laid a Laurel Wreath in his memory. The Congregation were entertained by our musicians and the year 11 Band, led by Head of Music, Henry Lowrey.
Finally, and to loud applause, the new senior student leadership team were named. They had previously made presentations to their peers and been interviewed by a Governing Body Panel.
Congratulations to new Head Girl Jenessa Phillips and new Head Boy Zak Mudhir.
Thanks to all at Hackney Church and Vanessa Moise who co-ordinated Sedgwick 2023. Just prior to the service Mr Brown fell over en route to the church and sustained facial injuries. But, as is Urswick’s way, the show went on. Believe and Achieve!