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A Level Success!

At The Urswick School Sixth Form Academy staff and A Level students were celebrating this morning. The school community was in a triumphant mood as students collected their A Level results.
Richard Brown, Executive Headteacher said ‘It is great to see a return to actual examinations and our students rose to the challenge. They deserve their successes and to progress to universities of their choice. This year group were unable to sit GCSEs due to Covid and so I am sure the sense of achievement is all the greater. Most of them have been at Urswick since the age of 11 and leave us as excellent ambassadors for their families, their school and our community. We couldn’t be more delighted for them.”
Victoria Szent-Kirallyi, 18, achieved three A*s in Politics, Psychology and Sociology is going on to study Law at Warwick University. Victoria said “This has been a very challenging couple of years and I’m really grateful for all of the support from our teachers. We all did our best despite the challenges we faced. “
Abdul Ghafor Rahmatzada, 18, is going on to study Computer Science studies at Queen Mary’s University. Abdul said “I have really enjoyed my time at the Urswick School and I would like to thank all of my teachers for their help in getting me to where I am now.“ Abdul achieved B in Computer Science, B in Economics and a B in Maths.
Olamidun Ojewole, 18 achieved 3 Bs in Biology, Psychology and Sociology. Olamidun said “I’d like to say thank you to all my teachers for helping me to achieve my amazing grades, I have loved being at The Urswick School”.
Quang Vinh Ho, 18, achieved B in Art, B in Ethics and C in Politics. Vinh is going on to Goldsmiths to study Social Care and wanted to thank all the staff at the Urswick School for their support in his journey.
Louis Ward, 18, said that he is grateful for his teachers for their support throughout year 12 and 13 and is going to Study International Relations and Japanese at Norwich University. Louis achieved an A in Ethics, B in History and B in Economics.
Sudenaz Top, 18, achieved two As and a B and is going to on study Law at University. Sudenaz said “I would like to thank my Politics, Law and Sociology teachers, I am going to miss The Urswick School.”
Jacquie Burke, Group Director Children and Education, Hackney Education visited the school for the occasion. Jacquie said “It is a total privilege to be here at The Urswick School today to see the young people open their results and see them go on to the next stage of their life. Congratulations to every young person but also congratulations to the staff here at Urswick. This has been a real treat.”
Youlande Harrowell, Director of Sixth Form said “Despite the context of having formal exams taken away from these students during their GCSEs, I am incredibly proud of what they achieved and the universities they have secured. The students themselves feel very proud because they know that they have earnt them. I am incredibly excited for their futures.”