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- 100% Success – TUS Options Morning
100% Success – TUS Options Morning

Of those families who completed the questionnaire, 100% agreed that our Options Morning for Year 9 was useful. The hall was filled to capacity as children and parents heard about the school’s options process and read our booklet which outlines GCSE curriculum choices that are about to be made.
Everyone then split into groups to hear a series of presentations about different careers. Organisations as diverse as Barclays Bank and the Royal Navy were represented alongside solicitors, the NHS, music management, nursery and child care, the Civil Service, computing and many more. A number of our visitors were former students, members of the school’s Governing Body and people who live locally.
A few parents queried why this event is held on a Saturday morning. Firstly, because attendance has always been good on Saturdays, and, because it is the easiest time for our visitors to break away from their busy working lives to join us.
Amongst the comments from Year 9 parents were:
‘I felt like my child will be confident choosing their GCSEs and will pass all of them.’
‘It’s good to see past students coming in and sharing.’
‘I think that running an event on a Saturday is a good idea.’
‘I found the options morning interesting and informative. Thank you.’
‘An interesting day, not only did it give enough information for children to take away, it also helped me as a parent.’
Further information about options and any queries about Careers Advice and Guidance can be obtained by phoning or emailing Mr Hunnable, Assistant Headteacher – admin@theurswickschool.co.uk