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The Urswick School fully recognises its responsibilities towards child protection and safeguarding children and that we have an active role in protecting our students from harm and in taking action to ensure they have the best outcomes. We recognise that we may be the only stable, secure and predictable element in the lives of children at risk and so we will endeavour to maintain an environment where students can feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to. We aim to ensure that students can be supported through a school-wide ethos that promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment and values students’ independence, feelings and individuality. In addition, The Urswick School is committed to the teaching and promotion of British Values. We recognise these Universal values to include democracy, the rule of law, liberty, tolerance, and mutual respect for people of all faiths and no faith. These values also correspond with our school ethos, and our commitment to being a Church of England School for Christians, people of all faiths and those with no faith.
1. To ensure clarity of use of whole school systems and procedures so that action is taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children’s welfare and that effective support and monitoring is provided for students who have been placed on the Child Protection register or identified as causing concern.
2. To ensure all staff and volunteers (including temporary and supply) understand their responsibilities in relation to child protection and safeguarding so that we can provide a safe and secure environment for our students.
3. To support pastoral and curricular provision so that children feel safe and supported and can learn and develop academically, socially, behaviourally and emotionally; in order that they become full, active and law-abiding members of their local communities and British society.
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